Vernon Humbert
Vernon Humbert’s immediate family all have a musical bent. His wife Laraine plays the piano, as does the eldest of their three daughters, who is a pilot in the Navy. His middle daughter plays percussion and is a social worker in Miami and his youngest plays the violin and is an avid horsewoman.
What do you want patrons of the Symphony to know about you?
I am a Registered Piano Technician with 35 years of experience, I am a choral director with Orange Park Presbyterian Church, I have three daughters and I enjoy Netflix.
Do you have any pre-concert rituals or routines?
I have been a diabetic for more than 50 years, so I try to check my blood sugars before each performance to make sure my levels are correct.
What would you be doing if you weren’t a professional musician?
Run a Dairy Queen… A place that people go to have a good time.
What teacher, mentor or other influencer inspired you the most?
My cello teacher in high school was named Mark Kuntz. He helped me become a knowledgeable and competent player.
What do you do in your spare time?
Watch Netflix and exercise.
What has been your favorite moment on stage?
I have done some conducting and my conducting the Copland work, Appalachian Spring, was one of my more memorable moments.
Who is your favorite composer?
Bachelor’s degree in Music Education from Eastern Illinois University, and a Master’s in Cello Performance from the University of Illinois.