Paul Strasshofer
What do you want patrons of the Symphony to know about you?
Growing up hearing the Cleveland Orchestra certainly inspired me to want to hear more, I hope the Jacksonville Symphony can do that for someone in our audience.
Do you have any pre-concert rituals or routines?
Tune the instrument and see how it feels that moment – it can change quite a lot.
What would you be doing if you weren’t a professional musician?
Some type of research in a multi-dimensioned field. Love acoustics.
What teacher, mentor or other influencer inspired you the most?
Everyone has something to offer for growth and inspiration.
What do you do in your spare time?
I have always enjoyed just listening to music during spare moments – not trying to analyze the music while listening.
What has been your favorite moment on stage?
A Grand Pause in the music where the conductor’s baton went dancing through the air.
What is your favorite thing about being a professional musician?
The acoustics, the energy on stage from all the performers.
What sport(s) do you participate in?
Now I am only a dot in the crowd watching the game. Love the pace of a game. Probably played basketball and golf the most.
Do you have a favorite team?
I would like to see our professional teams develop and nurture their own players, stick with them as part of a community and the image of their team.
What is your favorite food?
I still love spicy foods and my hot sauce.
Who is your favorite composer?
Career Highlights
Enjoyed the large number of amazing players on different instruments performing at Indiana University, and great operas! Watching the FSO grow, and the Jacksonville Symphony get better and better. Always liked listening and playing a variety of music.
Indiana University