Linda Cole
At age 3, Linda Cole, of the Cole Family Dynasty, began singing with her father and mother, James (relative of Nat King Cole) and Erma (sister to Globe Trotter Deacon Davis) Cole in Freeport, Illinois. In the following years, as the family added six more singing Cole children, Linda became instrumental in the formation of the “Singing Cole Family”; known throughout central United States. The “Singing Cole Family” was honored by the Illinois History magazine in 1963 and 1965. With decades of performing, from Motown to Jazz, Ms. Cole is a self-appointed ambassador of the preservation of the Great American Songbook and the education of the world-renowned art form of Jazz. Linda has been instrumental in raising the level of visibility for appreciation of the arts in Central and Northeast Florida. She gives of her time and gifts to area victims of crime, domestic violence advocates, rape crisis centers and child advocacy agencies. For over a decade and a half, Ms. Cole has been an active member of the Governing Board at the Fitzgerald Center for the Performing Arts in Palm Coast, Florida.